How to talk dirty in intimacy *
At high demand in adult movies, trivial language is also used in real life.
Although it seems that it would be useless for a man to confess his intention (in a transparent manner) “I want to go crazy with you!” while he is actually going crazy with someone, the value of “dirty” words should not be underestimated.
In addition to relaxing the one who says them, they feed the libido and imagination, representing the last frontier to conquer in the fight of the instincts with the suffocating shame. Whoever lets their words go free becomes capable of anything. Anything in terms of sex, disinhibitions and things cataloged by some as “scandalous”.
The indecent vocabulary in the bedroom has nothing to do with the indecent vocabulary outside of it. They do not condition each other and they do not support each other. People worried that the microbe of “harsh” expressions in privacy might spread inherently also in their social life, are deeply wrong.
On the other hand, declarative unchaining does not represent an obligatory prescription from doctors, sexologists or the Constitution, so the desire to keep the environment aseptic from a verbal point of view is not bothering anyone. Everyone acts as their heart dictates, but also the ability to keep their inner “beast” under control.
Those who want to begin and do not know how, can do it anyway, without having to attend any special language-perfecting course. Regardless of how they proceed to enlighten their untrained spirit, there is needed some will and knowledge of the following aspects:
1.-Naturalness. The number one lesson in the quest of saying loudly sentences that cannot be heard on TV is called: naturalness.
No one has to imitate porn actors just for the sake of making a good impression. Artificial behavior stands out quickly. Everything has to remain loyal to inspiration, expressing exactly what the participants at the erotic game think and feel in that moment. Manifestations incongruent to the real mood, imprint a false impression to any exteriorization.
Tip: It is preferable not to push your luck (when you are not in the mood, you do not feel the need or you do not have ideas). That is, do not try to “overheat” the ambiance that otherwise would have been (and remained) perfect.
2.-Overthinking. The lack of “training” sometimes creates panic and the impression that, regardless of how you approach the subject, the result will be disastrous: it will cause laughter, it will seem inappropriate, it will engender an unfortunate or embarrassing scene. This real anguish (fear) should be avoided at all costs. Meaning that you should not imagine (in vain) that what you want to transmit might sound dubious and addressable to some depraved persons.
Overthinking never helps. Also splitting hairs, exacerbating the consequences or fearing that you will be misunderstood, also takes you to unsafe paths.
Tip: To get rid of emotions, think little, speak freely and do as much as possible.
3.-Synchronization. Far from being an accredited science, the use of obscenities is still subject to some minimum requirements.
One of them would be to adjust your “message” according to the context. Theoretically, the general picture is, par excellence, sexual and receptive to all kinds of affirmations, exclamations or interrogations. But practically, to scream vigorously and “fast forward” when the atmosphere has barely warmed up or to suddenly become verbose in the middle of the action (after an apathy that has reached the limit with drowsiness) could “break” the rhythm.
This does not mean that what you say has to be thoroughly planned in advance, but on the contrary, it should be gradually correlated with the whole scenario, which will be defined by itself... by effectively going through it. It is, therefore, necessary a synchronization dictated by the nature of the events that you are actually experiencing.
Tip: Listen to your instincts.
4.-Credibility. Hyperboles, rhetoric and deep thoughts sprinkled on a naughty discourse are useful and perhaps sometimes have their “charm”. But, only up to a point. Beyond that, any evidence of “academic” emphasis takes the action into a bizarre area. You can (for example) exaggerate, praising someone's body by saying that they resemble deities, sculptures or famous paintings, in order to push things into an elitist area that, in the case of educated people, can stimulate adrenaline and eccentric sensations.
If, however, you turn everything into an unreal superlative, lingeringly insisting on some dull philosophical concepts of savant “wisdoms”, read who knows where, the effect might be the opposite of what you expected.
Tip: Put passion in your statements or incentives, but do not exaggerate. Keep your message credible and clean.
5.-Precision. In intimacy, too many words... are boring. Even extremely indecent ones. Facts take precedence! So, do not start endless lectures about what perversities you would be able to get to the end, how “horny” you are or how you can turn your penis into an enormous tempting lollipop.
Tip: Briefly review your naughty intentions and then get down to business. In moments like this, doing is more important than saying (regardless of your oratory talent or the patience to listen, manifested by the characters in question).
6.-Indecency. Naturally, dirty language is called like that because it includes dirty expressions. The attempt to replace the “dirty” words with their “diplomatic” variants disqualifies the gesture and excludes it from the category of “exciting expressions”.
It is useless to call for “sinning” if you are consciously censoring the shameful parts with the help of some decent synonyms.
Tip: To function optimally, obscene communication must be freed from any bias intended to alleviate its impact (especially the auditory one).
7.-Clarity. One of the attributes of open speech seeks to clarify some vital questions: Who? What? When? Where? How?, perfectly condensed in an affirmation such as: “I'll throw you right on the bed, and I'll...”. And here, according to each one's inventiveness, the sublime act that follows will be explained.
The female or male partner, therefore, knows what to expect, because the direct explanations give her or him shivers down the spine and ideas about what is going to happen next.
Tip: Through indecent communication, we offer guidelines or requirements, which lead to hopes... that the person concerned should also understand. Ideally. A wording like “I'm going to do something extravagant to you, I do not know exactly what, but... you'll see!” is quite confusing and can even lead to feelings of anxiety or discomfort.
8.-Conviction. Licentious messages have, of course, the purpose to excite, to provoke the listeners to mobilize themselves or to confirm that they are doing well what they are doing.
When said in an apathetic tone, they look like simple combinations of words. Not even a theatrical approach can be an alternative because it can undermine the naturalness of the interaction.
Tip: Forget the so-called nonconformist behaviors, if you do not do that out of conviction.
* Article shared from Erotic Note https://www.eroticnote.com/articles-escorts/how-to-talk-dirty-in-intimacy please visit them for more great articles.